Welcome to the Eisai social media community. By following Eisai at @EisaiGlobalOnc, you confirm you are a member of a healthcare entity or organization, or a healthcare professional, researcher, or scientist 18 years of age or older. Our intent is to provide information, but the information provided is NOT a substitute for medical advice from a licensed healthcare professional. Contact a physician if you have any medical questions or concerns.

We created these Community Guidelines as part of our effort to encourage informed sharing and thoughtful participation.

We’re part of a regulated industry, so we may remove any posts that contain comments that violate individual social media platform guidelines or these Community Guidelines. Your access to any social media channel is governed by its specific Terms of Service.

Specific Medicines

Due to pharmaceutical industry regulations, we cannot discuss any specific medications. Please do not provide, or request, medical advice on our page. Nothing posted on our social media should be viewed as medical advice.

Adverse Events

Our social media community is not intended for reporting side effects of medications. You may contact Eisai Product Safety at 1-888-274-2378 or by email at ESI_Safety@eisai.com to report side effects. You may also contact the FDA directly at 1-800-FDA-1088 or by visiting www.fda.gov/medwatch. If you do post here, we will follow up and report the event. Non-US visitors should ask their healthcare provider for more information or contact their local health authority.

Personal Information

Please be respectful of privacy and don’t include personal, health, or confidential information about yourself or anyone else on our page. We will remove these types of posts.

Off-Topic Conversations

Please do not post solicitations or promote third-party products or services. Do not post vulgar, defamatory or otherwise inappropriate comments. Please be kind, and comment respectfully.

Responding to Comments

If you post a comment or question to us, we’ll try our best to respond, but we reserve the right not to. Also, responding to a comment should not be taken as an endorsement of that comment. We do not take responsibility for the comments that others post. Eisai does not necessarily agree with the content posted here by others and does not guarantee the accuracy of comments posted by others. Our feeds are English-speaking only and we may not respond to any non-English comments. In addition, we will not respond to personal attacks of any kind or offensive terms that target specific ethnic, racial, religious, age, or gender orientation groups. More information about Eisai’s Privacy Policy is available at http://www.eisai.com/privacy/index.html.

Third-Party Posts or Accounts

Sometimes we link to third-party content, or follow, reply to, or tag third-party non-Eisai accounts. This does not indicate an endorsement by Eisai. Eisai is not responsible for the content of such sites and shall not be liable for any damages or injury arising from that content. Any links to other sites are provided merely as a convenience to the users of this platform.

Use of Images

Please do not post pictures that you do not have the right to post.

Violating the Community Guidelines

Failure to comply with these Community Guidelines may result in being blocked. As such, we reserve the right to report comments that we believe are in breach of the general Twitter or LinkedIn rules.

Eisai reserves the right to delete any posting at its sole discretion.

If you would like to contact Eisai, please visit https://www.eisai.com/inquiry/.

Eisai may change the Terms and Conditions of these Community Guidelines at any time and without notice. By continuing to follow @EisaiGlobalOnc, you indicate your acceptance of any revisions to these terms.